Hi, I'm Mel!

 My camera is like another arm- going nearly everywhere I go.  However, when I'm not behind the lens, I enjoy riding horses with my daughters, gardening, convincing myself our cattle are giant puppies, and reading a good book in the wintertime. .. and steak. I love steak. Meat and potato kinda gal, ya know?

Some might say that I have a problem, when seeing my turquoise jewelry and shoe collections, but I don't need that kind of negativity in my life, so I just ignore it. Ha! 

But onto the important stuff- PHOTOS! I did not start photography on a whim. I milled it over for actual years before buying my first camera... and I have been hooked since I switched that little button to 'M.' (That's manual mode by the way, and allows me to capture the best photos AND turn a very 'bland' image into art. 
So why should you book with me? Because it'll make me smile, lol. Families, maternity, newborns, weddings, livestock, I just love it. When you arrive to your session, we'll grab a couple traditionally posed photos #ChristmasCard, but from there, I prefer to simply prompt in order to capture my clients' true selves.. a story, if you will. This part of your session is what brings me so much joy! But don't worry, I will always make time for a specific pose you may have seen/loved as well!

As the adage goes, 'do what you love and you'll never work a day in your life.' My job is to tell your story through a lens, and I feel so grateful every time I walk out the door for a session.